Healing journeys
At a time when I was feeling groundless and need of support. Jocelyn was able to provide balance, stillness and support through her sound healing practice. Atlantis Sound Healing helped me take the first steps into implementing structure into my life with a new perspective. Jocelyn made me feel safe and open to the possibilities of what her practice entails. Thank you for introducing this type of healing into my life.
這是一次回家的旅程。在外面跑至滿身傷痕的我們,有時甚至是不知道的,直至躺在房間裏,Jocelyn用她的音叉對準我的腦袋,頻率共震使我的身軀也開始蠕動起來,似是一個訊號叫所有錯位的關節自動搜尋他們最原本的舒服位置;那一刻我才發現不只是關節,還有些事情,也累積了不對勁,而且麻木了。我有點傷心,不過同時亦有了希望,因為Jocelyn 啟動了我要修正自己的決心。
很感恩可以跟Jocelyn一起發現自己的內在更多,她使我回到讓我可以養傷的家,然後再走更遠的路,love you.
原來將自己的不安宣之於口是一件很難為情的事,那種不安,不安到聲線抖震。但是jocelyn 沒強迫我再說下去,只是輕輕地記下我說的種種,幻想中的「心理輔導」沒有出現,就開始了音頻治療。
音頻治療過程中,就好像在做一次很長很柔的massage ,其中一部分jocelyn將音叉放在我的掌心中,透過手掌感受著酥麻的震動感覺,彷彿身體每一寸肌肉都放鬆到無重狀態。大概的過程都忘了,只記得當時腦中很多的死結突然很輕鬆的解開了「原來只係咁諗就得」「原來我之前諗太多」
It helps immensely that Jocelyn is an extremely mindful and genuine person. The trust she exudes is extraordinary and is crucial for people to give in fully to the experience of sound healing. I went into it not fully knowing what to expect and was simply hoping to leave feeling more relaxed and refreshed, but I left with way more. Some deep rooted issues have been brought to light and simply bringing awareness to this was important to trying to better myself. Jocelyn guides you along to way and educates you, not only on the subject of yourself but also how and why sound healing works. I highly recommend this to anyone who needs to feel grounded again or simply just needs to reconnect with themselves.